9 Quotes On Chastity To Help You When You Feel Tempted

by Love and Relationships, Morals & Values, Self-Knowledge

One of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life is to master the virtue of chastity.  It seems that everywhere we turn the world is pulling us away from the ideals God calls us to.  Some people naively think that the struggle to remain chaste will go away once they are married, but the call for sexual purity does not only mean abstinence before marriage.  There are many ways in which we must practice chastity in both the single and married life and work to defeat the deadly sin of lust.

It is impossible to do this on our own strength. We must ask the Holy Spirit to help us in this battle for our purity. We also need to surround ourselves with friends that will encourage us in the goals we have set in order to build our Christian character and seek Christ in all we do.

The Sacrament of Confession will provide healing and restoration for times that we may have failed. The Sacraments, a dedicated prayer life, and accountability will be your tools to help you fight the temptations of the world.  Today we offer the advice and wisdom of those who have gone before us in this struggle.

9 Quotes On Chastity

If chastity is something you are struggling with (or even if it is not!), we encourage you to print out these quotes.  Place them in your Bible, near your cell phone, in your bedroom.  Share them with the person you are dating or your spouse.  Let these words inspire you to be all that God calls you to be.

It is with good reason that God desires purity for us. The fruits of this virtue are many.  When you strive to be pure, you will be full of self-giving joy. You will learn to think of others before yourself and gain a deeper understanding of God’s love for you.  Those who are pure experience more meaningful relationships because they learn to value the person, not what the person does for them.  Our prayers are with you as you work to develop the virtue of chastity.

Catholic Resources On Chastity

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