5 Ways To Strengthen Your Marriage During Quarantine

by Family, Love and Relationships, Outstanding Initiatives

This time of quarantine has been a relationship accelerator for so many couples. For Better or For Worse. Starting today, what are five things you can do to make the most of this time together? There is a five-step process that we have seen work miracles in hundreds of couples’ lives. The process is this: Belong, Believe, Become, Beatitude, and Be Light. 

5 Ways To Strengthen Your Marriage

Belong – Do you feel connected to each other and to other married couples within the church? Do some of the things you enjoyed together when you first started dating, and come up with a list of things you would like to do again. Add some new things to the list that you would like to try together. Start working through the list, and invite other couples to join you either virtually or in person if your situation allows for it.

Believe – What do you believe are the essential aspects of a marriage rooted in God and of the covenant of the sacrament of matrimony? Simply thanking God for the incredible graces that He has given you in this gift of marriage can help you to tap into that reality, that promise, the gift and one blessing that was not washed away in the flood. Thank God for the challenges in your marriage and for being with you through each of them. Dream about the future together, and each of you, share three things you are grateful for today—right now. An attitude of gratitude, even in the midst of trials, can help shed light in a dark situation. 

Become – Are you becoming the couple you both envisioned on your wedding day, or have you somehow gotten off track? The number one challenge for so many couples is kindness and presuming the best intentions of the other. Remember to look out for each other! Support each other in taking some personal time, and couple time, to do whatever recharges you (not screen time!). Everyone needs a break, but if you don’t have that break to look forward to, then the end of the day will come, and you will realize that you did not have a single 10 – 60 minute chunk of time that was carved out and protected for you by your spouse. That time might need to be scheduled, or it may need to be impromptu, but we all need it for our sanity and our sanctity during this time of quarantine. 

Beatitude – Are you putting in the extra effort to have more than just an okay marriage? Are we striving to be the best we can and live God’s good news about marriage within our own lives? Do not give in to mediocrity, especially within your marriage and family life. God wants us to be fully alive, full of His joy and full of His grace. This does not mean that every day will be easy, but it does mean that every day He will be with us! He will give us the joy and the strength that we need. We have to invite Him, and remember every day to pray together as a couple. This will bear more fruit than any one thing that you can do together! 

Be Light – As a couple, are we responding to the needs in society today to show a joyful, generous witness of the sacrament of matrimony? Are we hiding our light under a bushel basket? The world needs your witness and your life to bring God’s love into every dark corner, now more than ever! Understand that the more you share your marriage and open up the doors to your domestic Church, the more the world will reflect and know God’s love through the joyful witness of families. Do something very concrete to renew and share your marriage during this time by going through Witness to Love’s Be Light Date Night Series with other couples in your community or at your parish. Be a light! 

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Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

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