5 Catholic Websites Every Mom Must Visit (Updated!)

by Family, Funny, Pro-Life

“We used to talk on the phone ALL the time.”

This is my favorite quote from the WhatsUpMoms  “Friends Without Kids” video.  I stopped talking on the phone once unlimited texting was made available.  Actual talking on the phone means that others can hear all the noise and chaos going on in the background of my house.  Much like Elle described in the all too realistic video, friendships can get lost in the daily grind of motherhood.

We have to be creative and intentional in order to maintain all our relationships – with God, our husbands, our children and our friends.  Fortunately, there are some amazing resources available to us to help us not just maintain, but grow in all of our relationships.

We have a list of 5 incredible ministries that are worth adding to every mom’s list of favorites.   Each of these ministries has been created by moms with the intent to serve moms.

5 Great Websites For Catholic Moms

1. Catholic Sprouts: The Catholic Sprouts Podcast has one goal: to plant one little seed of faith each and every day. The daily five-minute episodes are perfect for young listeners. Each episode discusses an important aspect of our Catholic Faith in a way that appeals directly to children and ends with a daily challenge to help them apply what they learned. New episodes are available each weekday.  They are perfect for use in the classroom or the home, and for children of all ages.

2. Held By His Pierced Hands: Meg Hunter-Kilmer never ceases to inspire! In May of 2012, the Lord put it on her heart to give herself over to a full time speaking ministry. She speaks about truth, giving a defense of various Catholic teachings so that convicted minds can inspire impassioned lives, about the wild and varied call to holiness that looks so different in different lives, and most of all she speaks about the desperate love of Christ, who holds us in His pierced hands and makes the Christian life worth living.

3. CatholicMom.comA site that was founded by a Catholic mom, Lisa Hendey, is sure to have everything a Catholic mom needs, right?!  It is truly a site with a plethora of resources available.  Everything from Tech Talk to Sunday Gospel reflections for children to recipes and home organization tips. They offer both a podcast and a forum where you can interact with other Catholic moms and get your questions answered. You are sure to find some of your favorite Catholic authors on the list of volunteer contributors.

4. Catholic Icing : If you have children, work with children or know someone who has children, Catholic Icing is essential! I cannot recommend this resource enough. Lacy Rabideau, the creator and administrator behind this masterpiece,  is a busy young mom to four children of her own.  She offers crafts, songs, snacks, and tips for celebrating the Liturgical year.  If you are artistically challenged (as I am!), you will find her instructions and step by step pictures easy to follow.

The supplies for most of her crafts are things you already have around your house.  Lacy makes it easy to quickly look at her site and find a craft to do to celebrate a feast day in just minutes.   God has blessed her with the gift of creatively educating children in the faith and she is gracious enough to share it with all of us!  Taking advantage of all Catholic Icing offers will surely help to build a relationship with your child and lead them to a deeper appreciation for our faith.

5. Catholic Family Crate: In addition to the amazing Catholic Family Crates they offer, you can find blog posts and free downloads on their website! Great resource for Feast Days and liturgical celebrations.

We hope you will make time in your busy day to visit a few of these sites designed to encourage and support you! Remember, in order to feed your children, you must be fed yourself.  It is important to take time each day to celebrate our relationship with God, our husbands, and our friends! They help to refresh and restore.  Sometimes, the dishes can wait!

You may love and serve them with your prayer and mortification, but how do you expect them to listen to you if you never speak to them? You will have many surprises in store the day you decide to talk to them one by one.

– St. Josemaria Escriva

We want to know what your favorite Catholic Websites for Moms are! Let us know your go-to site in the comments.

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