3 Great Videos On Holy Water, Baptism, And Works Of Charity!

by Baptism, Catholic Media, Mass, Sacraments, Social Justice

Outside da Box is an apostolate dedicated to bringing Jesus Christ to the young church through digital media. In addition to the quality of the videos, it is immensely encouraging for me to witness a group of Catholics who are taking digital evangelization seriously.

Today, I would like to share three of the most recent Outside daBox productions:

Video On Holy Water

When a “voice from above” asks a teen why he blesses himself with holy water as he enters the chapel at his parish, he responds, “Isn’t that what you are supposed to do when you enter a church?” The “voice” then takes him on a journey into his past and future to see exactly what this water means.

Video On Baptism | Initiation

Watch as a story-telling grandpa with an over-active imagination tries to explain the Sacraments to his grandkids. You’ve never heard it quite like this before.

Small Things with Great Love

Explore the truth behind the cliché, “It’s the little things that count.” This film offers encouragement to live the Gospel in simple, easy ways that reflect the love of Christ.

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