3 Catholic Films Coming To Theaters For A Limited Time

by Movie Reviews and Recommendations

In the entertainment industry, Fathom Events helps lesser-known film projects get their day on the big screen.  Fathom rents out theaters throughout the country for a few days as a limited-release project.  It’s how The Chosen film events have been distributed in the theaters.  Last year the hit documentary St. Michael: Meet the Angel or the Mother Teresa documentary No Greater Love were a part of Fathom Events.  As moviegoers, it’s important to see these limited releases and support them to send a message to Hollywood about the types of films we want to see on the big screen.  There are three upcoming Fathom Events you should save the date for and try to see if possible! 

Santiago: The Camino Within

Bishop Donald Hying of the Diocese of Madison was joined by Fr. Luke Strand, rector of St. Francis de Sales Seminary in Milwaukee, and several young people on the walking pilgrimage, El Camino de Santiago.  Ahava Productions beautifully filmed and captured the pilgrimage.  In the 70-minute documentary, viewers will hear the story of St. James as narrated by Bishop Hying.  You will also meet a variety of pilgrims that he talked with along the way.  One of them is a touching scene, when Bishop Hying prays over a couple, and the wife has tears streaming from her eyes.  An extraordinary moment of grace, caught on film, and shared to touch our hearts.  The film has a reflective pace with musical interludes.  As you watch, you will almost feel like you are right there on the El Camino, walking the path.  Bishop Hying provides short and insightful reflections, such as the beauty of the Church and her role with the Word of God and the Eucharist.   The short, interspersed narration of Bishop Hying, provides bite size nuggets for spiritual reflection.  This documentary is the story of a bishop who is following in the footsteps of an apostle and the spiritual insights he gained.  The amazing cinematography will take your breath away and you may just want to walk your own camino after watching.  This Fathom Movie event will be in Theaters on March 28th.  Learn More: https://www.fathomevents.com/events/Santiago-The-Camino-Within

The Journey: A Musical Special from Andrea Bocelli

The blind Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli has fascinated and amazed many throughout his career. His renditions of some of the most beautiful songs are breathtaking.  In an interesting theatrical release, you’ll be serenaded by Bocelli and treated to a concert within a musical documentary. Beginning in Rome with a blessing from the Holy Father, Bocelli journeys through the countryside of Italy by horse to his home, along the way stopping at different venues to sing with some amazing artists. Bocelli speaks with popular contemporary Christian music artists like Michael W. Smith, Tauren Wells, and Taya. You will be treated to musical pieces from other artists too, like Tori Kelly, Clara Barbier Serrano, and Katherine Jenkins. You will see the interactions of Bocelli with his children and you will visit the Abbey of St. Antimo and the Basilica of St. Cristina.  In this documentary and concert, the power and meaning of music will be communicated to the attendee. The music of Bocelli and friends will impress and move you deeply when you take in The Journey during its Fathom Release. This Fathom Movie event will be in theaters for four days, April 2-6. Learn more: https://www.fathomevents.com/events/The-Journey-A-Music-Special-from-Andrea-Bocelli and www.thejourney.movie.

Mirando al Cielo

Devoted Catholics might know of the persecution of believers during the Cristero War in Mexico and the martyrdom story of Blessed Miguel Pro.  The story of the teenager Jose Sanchez del Rio is another one with which you should become familiar.  The Catholic Church has had its share of teenage martyrs in Roman women like St. Cecilia or St. Agnes and the stories of early Christian martyrdoms have been recounted such as St. Ignatius of Antioch and St. Polycarp.  Mirando al Cielo tells us the story of a modern-day martyr whose desire for heaven will leave a mark on your soul.  The story of Jose Sanchez del Rio is couched between the beginning and ending scenes of his godfather’s confession and burial.  Jose’s story is one of betrayal by family and his courage never to recant his faith and his insistence on proclaiming Viva Cristo Rey!  The witness of Jose Sanchez del Rio brought the Church to canonize him in 2016.  His story will raise minds and hearts to contemplate the mystery of Heaven, that Jose Sancehz del Rio, by his death, now enjoys, and from his place, intercedes for us on earth.  This Fathom Movie event will be in theaters for one night, April 18.  The movie is in Spanish with English closed captioning.  Do not let this prevent you from learning the story of this heroic young man. Learn more: https://www.fathomevents.com/events/Mirando-al-Cielo

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Image: Photo by Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

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