25 Photos That Confirm Being A Father Is The 2nd Most Beautiful Thing In The World

by Family, Pro-Life, Value of Human Life, Vocation

I would ask that you take the title with a sense of humor as it is meant be. After recently posting about motherhood, I knew we couldn’t leave fathers out. Still, keeping in mind the 9 months of pregnancy, the hours of agonizing pain during childbirth, I meant it as a sign of respect and gratitude.

Recently, I another post that wanted to showed dads how they should be. As I commented below, I wanted to share the Cheerios Ad because of its refreshing image of fatherhood. The media’s whole cliché of the idiot-dad-that-can’t-do-anything-right-but-we-pity-him-and-laugh-anyway is getting really old. Fatherhood isn’t for idiots, it’s for heroes. 

But what is it that makes them heroes? In part, they can claim the merit with their efforts and gifts. Still, the beauty of fatherhood is that what makes the hero a hero is the child. “I will love you.” “I will protect you.” “You will be happy.” “You will be better than me.” “And I will stop at nothing till it is so; all that I am, I give to you.” These are the words that pour forth from the heart of a hero.  And although how a newborn child can inspire such greatness is a mystery, I would dare to say it is because every man is wired to be a hero.

Thank you fathers. Thank you dad. I hope I can do for others what you did for me.

As always, if any fathers who read this would be willing to share a bit of their experience below, we would be honored.

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