14 Of The Most Beautiful Catholic Churches In The World

by Evangelization, Mass

Non-believers often challenge Catholics by asking them why so much money is spent on Church buildings instead of being given to people who are starving to death throughout the world.

What many fail to realize is that throughout history, the Catholic Church has done more than any other institution in the world to help the poor, the invalid, the sick and the orphaned. There is no other single institution which funds as many hospitals, homeless shelters, care centers for the elderly, orphanages, schools, universities, etc. For more information about how the Church spends money, click here to read this post.

The Church does a great deal to provide care for those who are poor and in need of care, yet she also sees the immense value in the beauty of our places of worship.

“…what’s the Truth about Church architecture, and therefore what’s Good about Church architecture, and how can we use beauty to make that truth and the goodness attractive to the people of a parish and people who visit a church?” –  Dr. Denis McNamara

The Church building is more than a building. It’s a home for Our Lord, a place of honor and worship for the Highest of Kings. It is a house of prayer. The beauty of the design helps to elevate our minds and hearts to God. It reminds us that we are in the presence of Our Lord and Savior. The beauty of the Church has a way of drawing people into the faith and bringing the truth alive in their hearts. Each intricate detail tells the story of Christianity and leaves us in awe of God’s great design.

“…it is necessary that sacred buildings, beginning with new parish churches, especially those located on the peripheries or in degraded areas, are set forth, albeit in their simplicity, as oases of beauty, of peace, of welcoming, truly fostering an encounter with God and communion with one’s brothers and sisters, thus becoming a point of reference for the growth of inhabitants, and for a harmonious and strong development of the community.” – Pope Francis

In today’s featured video, you will have the opportunity to discover what some believe to be the most beautiful Churches in the world! What would you add to this list?

14 Of The Most Beautiful Churches And Cathedrals In The World

More Resources On Catholic Churches And Art

Photo: https://www.cathopic.com/photo/2094

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